Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ateke Tom

Ateke Tom, was an SSS man during the 2003 Elections ( State Security Services)
During the interview I witnessed, he stated that he was bribed by the then candidate Peter Odilli and PDP (People Democratic Party) to succed as Governor for Rivers State in the Niger Delta Area.
Mr. Ateke, while sipping his home made KaiKai ( local Gin ) told us that Mr Odilli promised him and his militias a large sum of money to disrupt the 2003 Guberatorial Elections at any cost: bribing threatening and using violence against any opponents in order to put him in power.
Apparently P. Odilli promised the payments and benefits that they (Ateke and his army) never received.
Ateke at that point left his SSS position to start a violent campaign against Odilli and PDP party leaders.
Just before the elections 2007 he claimed responsibility for the bombing of two police stations in Port Harcourt.
He retreated to the Creeks where he is currently hiding out with his young militia. The groups is composed of young boys with an educated backround, some with high school diplomas while others are university graduates. The common cause for joining the militia is the lack of employment, as well as frustration and disillusion regarding their government who they feel has let them down.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,
I'm very impressed ! Come hai fatto per incontrare questa gente ? Come sono ? Comminci un vero lavoro di "reporter". Mi piaciono molto le foto. Attenzione a te, mi piacerebbe rivederti ;-))
Tanti baci, Eve

Anonymous said...

Your photos speak so much,a focus in a powerful reality..... like a zoom in a forest,Monica

Jo Morgan said...

Hi Andrea,

I am nothing but taken a back by what you have witnessed and by what I have just read and seen.
Well done!!
Be Safe.

Anonymous said...

Niger delta youths needs job and not gun

Anonymous said...

Niger delta youths needs job and not gun